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Date Support

Use Vuetify components that require date functionality installing and configuring one of the @date-io adapters.

To use Vuetify components that require date functionality:

  • install one of the @date-io adapters (optional)
  • configure the date entry in your Vuetify configuration:
    vuetifyOptions: {
      date: {
        adapter: 'vuetify' // 'vuetify' | 'date-fns' | 'moment' | 'luxon' | 'dayjs' | 'js-joda' | 'date-fns-jalali' | 'jalaali' | 'hijri' | 'custom'

If you also have @nuxtjs/i18n module installed, and options will be automatically configured, beware, the configured locale entry will be ignored.

If you want to use a custom date adapter, you can configure it using = 'custom', and then:

  • add a Nuxt Plugin and add the vuetify:configuration hook to configure your Vuetify options
  • you can import the virtual:vuetify-date-configuration module, you will have access to the configuration:
    import { adapter, dateConfiguration, i18n } from 'virtual:vuetify-date-configuration'

Check out vuetify-date plugin and the date module for an example of a custom date adapter and how to access to the configuration.

Released under the MIT License.